Cómo se dice…

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One of the best parts of living in Southern California is the complex tapestry of cultures and ethnicities that we get to interact with daily. At the first school I worked at there were Spanish-speaking teachers from Cuba, Spain, Mexico, and El Salvador. I loved listening to their conversations about the regional differences in how you say certain words. At another school, the office tech that helped me with my Spanish translations would sometimes say, “Yeah, but that’s not how the parents would say it. It’s technically correct, but no one talks like that.”

So, how do you say snacks in Spanish? This was a hotly debated question. Some people said botanas, while others said bocadillos, or antojitos. Another added, “Well, it depends on what kind of snacks you’re talking about.” Sadly, I don’t remember what we settled on.

No matter how you say it, last night we had a delicious Mexican snack I’ve never had before: duros. Okay, I’ve had duros before actually, but only the wagon wheel shapes doused with limón y chile. What we had last night was more like a raft that was topped with fresh vegetables: jicama, tomatoes, and lettuce. On top of that was a drizzle of chamoy and crema (or maybe mayonesa) and a sprinkle of seasoned peanuts. It was assembled by my friend’s mom who had kindly offered to put it together for us. She had a whole set up for my friend’s birthday party. She said we could do it ourselves if we wanted, but since we didn’t know how to start, we were grateful for her help.


7 responses to “Cómo se dice…”

  1. franmcveigh Avatar


    so much learning about snacks!

    great slice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Melanie White Avatar

    This slice is interesting in the way that you open the passage focused on culture and language. You then transition to speak to the reader, asking about pronunciation, until you come to the main course – the food! What a delicious slice 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Becky Avatar

    looks and sounds like a delicious snack! Thank you for sharing. Snacks are the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Diane Anderson (newtreemom) Avatar

    Looks yummy! I had some yummy enchiladas this week.

    What to call snacks, that’s a real debate.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Alice Avatar

    I live in Texas, so I speak Spanglish. I say “eh-snack,” lol! Actually, I don’t know what to call them, but that “eh-snack” your friend’s mom served looks delicious. The crunch base definitely looks like something my kiddo will enjoy eating. 

    Liked by 1 person

  6. arjeha Avatar

    Any post about food grabs my attention. This looks delicious.


  7. Stacey Shubitz Avatar

    Your writing has been making me hungry! (Your teasers draw me in every time.)


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